Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the Safeguarding Children Partnership, Safeguarding Adults Board and Healthwatch.



Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Partnership  (BHSCP), Progress Report October 2019 – March 2020


Date of Meeting:


10th November 2020

Report of:


Statutory Safeguarding Partners: Brighton and Hove City Council, Sussex Police and Clinical Commissioning Group (on behalf of ‘health’ partners)





Sally Kendal, BHSCP Business Manager 


Tel: 07717 303332 


Wards Affected:






Executive Summary


There is a shared responsibility between organisations and agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in each local area authority area. The Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) is led by three Statutory lead Partners who have a shared and equal duty to make arrangements to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. The lead safeguarding partners, Brighton and Hove City Council; Sussex Police; and the Clinical Commissioning Group are responsible for the join-up of local services to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and families across the City.


The BHSCP is comprised of  representatives from statutory and non-statutory agencies and organisations in Brighton & Hove with a shared responsibility for keeping children safe. Under its recently published Partnership arrangements (June 2019) the BHSCP oversees the strategic direction and work of partners. Key activities also include:

·         undertaking child safeguarding practice reviews in order to improve safeguarding practice other multi-agency learning reviews,

·         audits and qualitative reviews and sharing learning opportunities,

·         developing and delivering multiagency learning and development opportunities

This short progress report describes key work undertaken by the partnership to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. It covers a six-month period, following inception of the new partnership arrangements, from October 2019 to March 2020.



1.            Decisions, recommendations and any options


This report is submitted to the Board for information. It is recommended that the Board:


1.1          Note the report and commend to partners the importance of promoting partnership working to safeguard children, young people and their families across the city.


1.2          Note the BHSCP’s business plan priorities which run from April 2020 to March 2023 (page 7 of the report) and consider how this work  aligns to work being undertaken as part of the city’s joint strategic needs assessment relating to “Starting Well” . Priority 4 (below) will focus on implementation recommendations from the Sussex wide review of emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people, ensuring that gaps in provision are addressed.


·         Priority 1  - Partnership Engagement and Accountability: The new arrangements will provide strategic leadership to embed the principles of safeguarding citywide.


·         Priority 2  - Safeguarding children from violence and exploitation: There is a clear understanding of the scale of complex and contextual safeguarding within Brighton & Hove and that the needs of children and young people affected by violence are identified and assessed effectively.


·         Priority 3  - Neglect: The needs of children and young people affected by neglect are identified and assessed effectively resulting in timely and appropriate intervention.


·         Priority 4  - Mental Health and Emotional Health and Wellbeing: Service provision for children who need support for emotional and mental health issues is consistently good across Brighton & Hove.


1.3          Note that the BHSCP is in the early stages of understanding the long-term impact of Covid-19 on safeguarding and supporting our children, young people and their families as well as considering how best to promote their wellbeing and targeting our resources accordingly.  


2.         Relevant information


2.1       Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 places a statutory requirement on the safeguarding partners to publish a report at least once in every 12-month period,  setting out what they have done as a result of the arrangements, and how effective these arrangements have been in practice.


2.2       The BHSCP  replaced the Local Safeguarding Children Board in September 2019. It commenced a journey to refine its arrangements: to work in partnership with agencies and organisations across the city to protect children from abuse and neglect, and to support children and young people who have suffered harm or abuse. As part of its arrangements the partnership appointed two scrutineers whose role is to provide independent assurance regarding the effectiveness of the BHSCP’s work  and act as critical friend to support ongoing development of the partnership.


2.3       In summary during this 6-month period:





·         Building on previous work to tackle criminal exploitation, the BHSCP’s Exploitation Group is co-chaired by Sussex Police and the BHCC’s Safer Communities lead. It includes Public Health and Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) representatives, thus enabling a city-wide approach to address this priority work area.




3.         Important considerations and implications




            The information contained in this report remains crucial to the ability of the different agencies represented to be satisfied that they are meeting their statutory obligations to work together to prioritise safeguarding and wellbeing of children.



            Legal Adviser consulted: Natasha Watson Date: 27/10/2020












The report details a breakdown of budget contributions from partner agencies (page 24 of the report). The local authority contributed just over 50% of partner contributions to the budget during this period. In addition, the local authority hosts the BHSCP’s business team on behalf of partner agencies.


There are no financial implications directly resulting from the recommendations of this report.


Finance Manager consulted: Paul Jeans       Date: 14/10/20






The BHSCP, led by the three lead safeguarding partners is committed to working with partner agencies organisations and the voluntary and community sector to work to ensure all children and families have timely and appropriately focussed access to safeguarding services which meet their specific needs.


Equalities Manager consulted: Anna Spragg Date: 13/10/20





There is a statutory reequipment under Working Together to Safeguard children 2018 for local authority areas to form multiagency safeguarding arrangements led by the three joint ad equal safeguarding lead partners – police, health (led by the Clinical Commissioning Groups) and the local authority. A continuing commitment to funding the partnership’s work is required.




Supporting documents and information



Appendix 1:  Progress Report: October 2019 – March 2020.